The Best Rohde & Schwarz FSIQ7

Rohde & Schwarz FSIQ7

In the frequency domain, the R&S FSIQ
measures intermodulation and harmonics
with great accuracy. The high 3rd-order
intercept point in conjunction with the
extremely low noise floor yields an intermodulation-free dynamic range of
>110 dB and ensures reliable performance of even sophisticated measurements. The excellent dynamic range and
the optimized phase noise values make
the R&S FSIQ an ideal tool for ACPR (adjacent-channel power ratio) measurements in all mobile radio systems and in
◆ Third-order intercept
+20 dBm with R&S FSIQ 7,
+22 dBm with R&S FSIQ26
◆ Phase noise −150 dBc(1/Hz) at 5 MHz
◆ 75 dB ACPR dynamic range for
WCDMA (4.096 MHz integration BW)
◆ Total level uncertainty <1 dB up to
2.2 GHz, <1.5 dB up to 7 GHz
◆ RMS detector for high-precision power measurements irrespective of
◆ Fast spectrum analysis with 5 ms
sweep time for full span (R&S FSIQ3/7)
particular for WCDMA. The maximum
ACPR value for WCDMA in 4.096 MHz
bandwidth is 75 dB and is already
attained at −12 dBm input level.


Rohde & Schwarz FSIQ7

The Rohde & Schwarz FSIQ7 Features:

Spectrum Analysis with Ultra-wide Dynamic Range for Sophisticated ACPR
Measurements NF = 15 dB/TOI = +20 dBm
Figure of merit (NF – TOI) = +5 dBm
Integrated Vector Signal Analyzer for Universal Analysis of Digital and Analog
Modulated Signals BPSK to 16QAM, (G)MSK, AM, FM, PM
Vector Signal Analyzer for W-CDMA Symbol Rate up to 6.4 Msymbol/s
High-speed Synthesizer with 5 ms Sweep Time for FULL SPAN (FSIQ3/7)
High Display Update Rate up to 25 sweeps/s
Large Colour Display with High Resolution (24 cm/9.5 TFT)
Analysis of Frequency, Time, and Modulation Domain in One Box 82 dB
ACPR (Adjacent Channel Power Ratio) in 4.096 MHz
Integration Bandwidth for Alternate Channel
True RMS Detector for Precise and Repeatable Measurements of any Signal
Type Features in Brief3 models and frequency ranges:
FSIQ 3: 20 Hz to 3.5 GHz
FSIQ 7: 20 Hz to 7 GHz
FSIQ 26: 20 Hz to 26 GHz
measures intermodulation and harmonics
with great accuracy. The high 3rd-order
intercept point in conjunction with the
extremely low noise floor yields an intermodulation-free dynamic range of
>110 dB and ensures reliable performance of even sophisticated measurements. The excellent dynamic range and
the optimized phase noise values make
the R&S FSIQ an ideal tool for ACPR (adjacent-channel power ratio) measurements in all mobile radio systems and in
◆ Third-order intercept
+20 dBm with R&S FSIQ 7,
+22 dBm with R&S FSIQ26
◆ Phase noise −150 dBc(1/Hz) at 5 MHz
◆ 75 dB ACPR dynamic range for
WCDMA (4.096 MHz integration BW)
◆ Total level uncertainty <1 dB up to
2.2 GHz, <1.5 dB up to 7 GHz
◆ RMS detector for high-precision power measurements irrespective of
◆ Fast spectrum analysis with 5 ms
sweep time for full span (R&S FSIQ3/7)
particular for WCDMA. The maximum
ACPR value for WCDMA in 4.096 MHz
bandwidth is 75 dB and is already
attained at −12 dBm input level.

Rohde & Schwarz FSIQ7





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