RF Aligner Training & Certification

Our comprehensive training class outlines detailed instructions on how to properly operate 3Z products, including mounting procedures, technical features and troubleshooting tips. A Certificate of Completion will be provided upon successfully completing a short quiz at the end of the course.


The Problem We Solve

Sometimes antenna alignment measurements can be affected by inexperienced users, generating inaccurate results due to improper tool operation. Even experienced users may benefit from additional technical knowledge on certain features, troubleshooting tips or tricks. As a result, Carriers often require certifications to ensure users are qualified to perform the antenna alignment work.

How We Solve It!

Providing a comprehensive technical training enables both experienced and first-time users to properly use 3Z products. Our training outlines in depth operations of technical features, troubleshooting tips and tricks to allow optimum performance. To affirm qualification, a Certificate of Completion will be issued after successfully completing a short quiz at the end of the course.



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