Keysight-Agilent 3325B
Keysight-Agilent 3325B
The 3325B is a generator/waveform synthesizer with frequency accuracy, resolution, and stability that are ideal for applications such as crystal filter test, multiplexed communication system testing, clock/timing simulation and audio frequency system testing.
Keysight-Agilent 3325B
The HP 3325B offers true synthesizer performance for demanding
applications. Frequency range of the sinewave output is 1µHz to 20.999
MHz with resolution of 1µHz. A sync/Trigger output provides TTLcompatible signals with µHz resolution from DC to 60 MHz. Sinewave
distortion is better than -65 dBc to 50 kHz.
The HP 3325B is also a high-performance function generator, providing a variety of waveforms with synthesizer accuracy and precision.
Squarewaves are available to 10.999 MHz, with 20 ns rise and fall times.
Triangles and positive and negative ramps are provided with 0.05% linearity up to 10.999 kHz. All waveforms can be DC and phase offset to
match the requirements of the circuit under test.
The HP 3325B is fully programmable through GPIB and RS-232,
making it a natural choice for automated test systems. Both interfaces
and all inputs and outputs are floating (isolated from chassis ground) to
minimize ground loops and offer maximum flexibility in configuring a
solution to your measurement needs.