
Raptor provides the ultimate level of flexibility and performance for accelerating the development process of Software Defined Radios or Systems, from concept to market-ready product. Based on the Software Communications Architecture (SCA), an international open standard for the development of heterogeneous and distributed applications and platforms, this all-in-one integrated solution is the ideal companion for the design, development, emulation and test of your software defined system (SDS) products.


Design: Following a component-based approach, design your applications by graphically, assembling signal processing blocks using the NordiaSoft SCA eCo Suite development environment.  Using standard-based APIs for peripherals such as audio, Ethernet, GPS, RF transceiver, isolate your applications from the underlying hardware, thus facilitating software portability to your own platform and its future improvements.

Its intuitive graphical model-based design, with hundreds of validation rules, will significantly speed up your development, ensuring compliancy with the SCA standard, out of the box.

Develop: No need to be an SCA expert. Go right into the development of your application’s signal processing algorithms and let the NordiaSoft SCA tool automatically generate the SCA code, as per your waveform model.  Speed up your development even further by dragging and dropping already created SCA-compliant signal processing blocks such as modulators, error correction codes, and filters. Insert the Bit Error Rate (BER) meter and channel emulator blocks.  Test your waveform under different channel conditions using the channel emulator block. Add your own signal processing blocks or modify those provided to suit your own needs.

Emulate: Use RAPTOR, as the surrogate platform, to run and test your applications in real time. Install, configure, start and stop your applications from an intuitive user interface. Modify in real-time your software deployment strategy to optimize your application performance. Emulate channel characteristics using signal processing blocks from the provided DSP Toolbox. Once satisfied, port the software to your own target platform.

RAPTOR’s instrument grade, high performance capabilities will undoubtedly satisfy all your radio requirements. Its configurable and modular design safe-guards your investment for future projects. Integrated following the SCA, RAPTOR offers standard interfaces to ensure minimum modifications to your developed applications when you need to port it into your own platform.

Test: Connect directly at the antenna port or insert software probes within the signal processing chain and to analyse the performance of your system. View the signal characteristics in the time or frequency, or modulation domains, or look at the phase constellation. With the high-resolution visualization tools, analyse the signal to noise ratio, adjacent channel interference, filter performance, synchronization robustness and much more. Analyse performance in simulated or real interference environment by creating your own test signals or recording live signals and play it back into your processing chain, including combining real and synthetic signals.



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