The Best Fluke 9170-F-R-156
Fluke 9170-F-R-156
Insert “F” 9170, Al, Metric Comparison Holes, w/0.25-inch Ref Hole
Metrology Well, -45 degrees C to 140 degrees C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference
Dry-wells are typically calibrated by inserting a calibrated PRT into one of the wells and making adjustments to the calibrator’s internal control sensor based on the readings from the PRT. This has limited value because the unique characteristics of the reference PRT, which essentially become “calibrated into” the calibrator, are often quite different from the thermometers tested by the calibrator. This is complicated by the presence of significant thermal gradients in the block and inadequate sensor immersion into blocks that are simply too short.
Fluke 9170-F-R-156
In short, there are six critical
components of performance in an
industrial heat source (which the
European metrology community
explains, for example, in the document EA-10/13): calibrated display
accuracy, stability, axial (vertical)
uniformity, radial (well-to-well)
uniformity, impact from loading,
and hysteresis. We added a seventh in the form of a legitimate
reference thermometer input and
created an entirely new product
category: Metrology Wells.
(By the way, Metrology Wells are
the only products on the market
supported by published specifications addressing every performance category in the EA-10/13.
Our specs aren’t just hopes or
guidelines. They apply to every
Metrology Well we sell.)
Display accuracy
Dry-wells are typically calibrated
by inserting a calibrated PRT into
one of the wells and making adjustments to the calibrator’s internal control sensor based on the
readings from the PRT. This has
limited value because the unique
characteristics of the reference
PRT, which essentially become
“calibrated into” the calibrator, are
often quite different from the thermometers tested by the calibrator.